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18 Marketing Tips for Realtors to Attract Buyers Effectively

Last Updated Jun 14, 2024

Are you on the hunt for fresh real estate marketing tips to boost your business? You’re in good company. The goals of real estate agents are becoming more demanding, and I’m here to guide you through it with exclusive marketing tips for realtors like you. 

Essential Marketing Tips for Realtors

  • Distinctive Branding: Unique branding attracts and retains buyers.
  • Know Your Ideal Client: Tailor your brand to specific client needs.
  • Craft a Compelling Brand Story: Showcase your values and unique personality.
  • Invest in a Memorable Logo: Ensure consistency across all marketing materials.
  • Create Engaging Content: Address audience pain points with valuable information.
  • Use Professional Photographs: High-quality photos sell homes faster.
  • Optimize Your Website: Design a sleek, user-friendly interface for better engagement.
  • Capture Leads with Clear Forms: Simplify contact forms to avoid missed opportunities.
  • Offer Free Home Valuations: Attract sellers with valuable resources.
  • Utilize Google Analytics: Track website data to improve marketing strategies.
  • Local SEO with Google My Business: Boost local visibility and attract nearby clients.
  • Email Marketing Campaigns: Personalize emails to nurture and convert leads.
  • Social Media Engagement: Build relationships and showcase expertise on platforms.
  • Request Online Reviews: Positive reviews enhance credibility and attract clients.
  • Distribute Marketing Materials: Use brochures and business cards for local networking.

Read on to discover other essential marketing tips for realtors!

Real estate agents live in a bustling marketplace, with everyone fighting for attention. It’s easy to get lost in the crowd, isn’t it? Between 2020 and 2022, 43% to 54% of new real estate agents called it quits within their first five years. One big reason? They needed to up their marketing game. They didn’t have that strong brand presence or something unique that set them apart. Maybe they did not follow the best marketing strategies that drive results.

Now, fast forward to today. The landscape is shifting, and economic ups and downs throw curveballs left and right. You need a solid market position, a competitive edge, and effective marketing strategies to thrive in this environment. Without these, your journey might be bumpier than expected. I’ve got 15 essential marketing tips to help you turn your business around.

These tips aren’t just any run-of-the-mill advice. They’re designed to help you rise above the noise, attract eager clients, and seal the deal on those properties. So, buckle up and get ready to revolutionize your approach to real estate marketing. Together, we’ll turn your business dreams into reality with the things no one discussed. Let’s dive in!

How Does Marketing Play a Role in Real Estate?

With the help of marketing, real estate agents put the right property in front of the right people at the right time. Think eye-catching listings, social media buzz, and local networking. It’s about showcasing properties in the best light possible to attract buyers or renters. So, in short, marketing is the bridge that helps homebuyers find their perfect match! 

18 Essential Marketing Tips for Realtors

If you don’t know what works best for your real estate business, these top 18 marketing tips will be a pathbreaking strategy to enhance your real estate empire!

1. Focus on Distinctive Branding and Design

The real estate market is a jungle. Millions of agents like you are trying to steal your buyers’ attention. So, how do you make those homebuyers come galloping towards you? Easy – you become a branding unicorn!

Creating unique branding with a distinctive visual message and design consistency can prepare you for the long haul. How do you unlock this branding magic? 

Not all homebuyers are created equal. Identify your ideal client — the first-time family, the luxury lifestyle seeker, or the downsizing empty-nester. Once you know who you’re talking to, you can tailor your brand message to resonate with their needs and dreams. Hence, you should choose your brand archetype from the very beginning.

People connect with stories. So, craft a compelling brand story that showcases your values and experience regarding solving their pain points and that extra “you” with compassion that makes you amazing. Are you a tenacious negotiator or a calming market guru? Let your personality shine through!

Also, invest in a memorable logo that reflects your brand personality. Think bold and bright or sleek and sophisticated, whatever sets the tone for your brand voice. Consistency is key here — use your logo across all your marketing materials, from your website to your business cards.

Take a look at a power-packed business card example for your branding. 

Real estate business card

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From logo to color scheme, create a cohesive brand identity easily with a personalized brand kit.

Real estate logo

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Check out this short video to learn more about the brand kit.

These marketing tips for real estate agents are the cornerstones of building a unique brand.

2. Content Marketing Tips for Realtors

Your primary goal as a real estate agent is to attract eager clients who see you as a trusted advisor and a local market expert. Content marketing helps you achieve exactly that. 

Firstly, it’s crucial to create content that matters. Your content should resonate with your audience by addressing their pain points and answering their questions. This isn’t about bombarding people with listings (although well-written listings are crucial, we’ll get to that later). 

It’s about providing genuine value. Focus on informative, engaging content that addresses your audience’s needs and interests. This could be local market updates, home-buying guides, tips for staging a property, or fun lifestyle content showcasing the perks of living in your area.

Consistency is key in content marketing. Aim to publish at least once a week, even if it’s just a short and sweet update. The more you show up, the more likely you will be remembered.

Variety is the spice of life, and it’s also the spice of content marketing! Don’t just stick to blog posts. Spice things up with strategic real estate content pillars, including eye-catching infographics, informative videos showcasing properties, market reports, or even hosting a live Q&A session on social media. The more diverse your content is, the more leads you’ll attract.

Property listings should be on your priority list when discussing content marketing. Craft compelling listing descriptions that go beyond square footage and the number of bedrooms. 

property listing website example
Source: Colliers

Paint a picture with vivid language, highlight unique features, and use emotional triggers to make potential buyers fall in love with the property before they even step through the door.

3. Use Professional Photographs

You might get a fantastic listing, a property that practically begs to be lived in. But your online photos just aren’t doing it justice. You might lose your next buyer in the online shuffle.

Here’s one of the best marketing tips for realtors – stunning photos sell homes faster!  Think about it – most of us are suckers for a gorgeous picture. We lean towards things that are pleasing to the eye, preceding the expectations of our dream homes!  Studies show that 65% of people are visual learners, meaning they remember things they see way better than things they hear.

So, how do you translate that into success for your listings? 

Aim for crisp, clear, professional-looking photographs that showcase the property in all its glory, just like the following Pinterest graphic example.  

Real estate pinterest graphic with high-quality picture

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Mastering the art of photo editing lets you add that extra polish. I’m talking about enhancing the image by adjusting lighting, cropping out clutter, and ensuring the overall look is polished and inviting. 

As a bonus tip, Platforms like DocHipo offer fantastic stock photos and videos to get you started.  

Here’s a preview of the integration of unlimited, high-quality stock photos. 

4. Marketing Tips for Realtors to Create an SEO-Optimized Website

With the fierce competition, will just setting up a website get you leads? No, you need to optimize it to rank it in search results. If your website makes it in the top first few results, you can expect visitors who can turn into clients. Here are fourteen essential marketing tips for realtors like you to transform your website into a lead-generating machine:

A. Design a Compelling Website UI

First impressions matter! Therefore, a sleek design, intuitive navigation, and stunning visuals compel visitors to scroll through the pages longer per session than usual. A user-friendly interface engages visitors and lets them effortlessly explore your listings and expertise.

Real Estate website design example
Source: Redfin

B. Get More Leads from Your Website Forms

Craft clear and concise contact forms that are easy to find and fill out so you don’t miss any opportunities with your leads. This will make scheduling a consultation a breeze.

Lead forms example
Source: Redfin

C. Make Your Pages Conversion-Centric

Every page should have a clear goal, whether capturing leads, showcasing listings, or establishing your expertise. Use strong calls to action, like bright buttons that say “Contact Me Today!” to guide visitors to the next step.

Here, Redfin introduces its app to the visitors to make an action. This clear CTA to “Get the Redfin app” guides the visitors to take the next step. 

CTA example
Source: Redfin

D. Offer Home Valuations to Capture Seller Leads

Sellers love freebies! Entice them with a free home valuation tool and position your brand as a valuable resource in their home-selling journey.

E. Strategic Content 

Your website should offer resources that will share important information about the industry, guides for buyers, risks that your clients should be aware of, and your valuable properties to entice them. 

From reports to blogs, market analysis to success stories, explainers to walk-through videos, you should strategically publish everything to be the first choice for any property buyer and seller in your target location. 

F. Contact Info on Each Page

Ensure you prominently add your contact information and social media links on every page. 

G. Resourceful FAQ Section

Don’t leave your visitors guessing! A comprehensive FAQ page with clear answers to common questions positions you as a knowledgeable and trustworthy expert.

FAQ Page Example
Source: 99acres

H. Use Powerful Yelp Reviews

Yelp reviews hold weight! Integrate them into your website to broaden your reach and showcase your stellar reputation beyond your own platform.

Yelp Review
Source: Yelp

I. Add Schema Markup as the Search Engine Whisperer

Marketing as a realtor gets better with Schema markup, which enhances the search engine reputation for your landing pages. Schema markup comes as a code and showcases the essence of your webpage, its components, and the desired presentation to search engines. It enables seamless comprehension by search algorithms. It helps them understand the website content, potentially boosting your ranking in local search results.

Like the example from Google search, you can create unique Schema markups for different landing pages. 

Schema markups for website example

J. Build Local Backlinks for Off-Page SEO

Backlinks from high-authority local websites are like gold. The more reputable sites that link to yours, the better your website appears to search engines. There are so many kinds of backlinks you can try! Once you create a backlink strategy with objective and thorough research, you can choose backlinks like editorial backlinks, guest post links, press release backlinks, or other popular types. 

K. Google Analytics for Web Analytics

You can’t develop effective marketing strategies unless you see data and interpret what those numbers and reports mean. Install Google Analytics to track website traffic, event measures, and user behavior and identify areas for improvement. Use this data to refine your website and maximize its effectiveness.

L. SEO Optimization for Mobile Devices

In just a couple of years, the popularity of mobile searches, especially with the term “best,” has shot up by a whopping 80%. People are really into finding the cream of the crop on their phones, you know? And here’s the catch: site speed is a big deal for users. If your site takes ages to load, it could seriously tank your business and sales. This allows potential clients to access your information and listings seamlessly, no matter where they are.

M. Live Chat with Bots 

Sometimes, immediate assistance is key. Adding a live chat function integrated with an AI chatbot can be a game-changing strategy for real estate companies. This allows visitors to ask quick questions and instantly get the necessary information.

N. Optimize Local SEO with Google My Business

If you want to dominate the local scene, it’s time to discuss optimizing your Google My Business (GMB) profile. This nifty tool is your ticket to getting noticed by potential buyers and sellers in your area.

First, claim your GMB listing if you still need to. From your company name and address to your phone number and website, leave no stone unturned. Add appropriate keywords in your listings. Think about what your potential clients might be searching for – “real estate agent in [your city],” “best realtor near me,” you get the drift. This will boost your chances of appearing in local searches.

Also, snap some shots of your office, your team (if you’ve got one), and maybe even a few properties you’re proud to represent. People eat that stuff up like candy. Lastly, keep your information updated. Google loves fresh content, and so do your potential clients. 

By implementing these 14 website must-haves, you’ll be well on your way to real estate website domination! 

5. Email Marketing Tips for Realtors

Email marketing is your direct line to hot-wired leads. Try to start with a teasing question or a mysterious hint in the subject line. Use time-sensitive offers in the email content like “Last Chance to See This Stunning Property Before It’s Gone!” or “Open House Alert: This Weekend Only!”  

Also, don’t forget to use the recipient’s name or cater your headline to their specific interests, similar to “[Client Name], This Listing May Be Your Perfect Match!” 

Keep new subscribers from feeling like wallflowers. First, set up a warm welcome email to thank them for joining. You can give a sneak peek of what they can expect from you. Add market updates, hot listings, and a fun fact about the best local coffee shop!

Also, focus on a killer email signature with your contact info, website link, and a friendly message – like your USP!

Another strategy for real estate email marketing is drip campaigns. Use automated email sequences with valuable content to nurture your leads and gently nudge them closer to that “let’s chat” button.

Generally, make it easy for subscribers to spread the love by including social media share buttons in your emails. Craft clear calls to action (CTAs) encouraging them to contact you, view a listing, or visit your website.

Also, monthly or bi-monthly newsletters are the sweet spot. Be creative and strategic as much as you can be. Feature the latest listings, highlight success stories (testimonials are gold!), and share valuable market updates. 

Use customizable email banners with high-quality images and interactive graphic elements to make emails and newsletters visually appealing and captivating for readers. Here is an example for you. 

Real estate email header

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Track email performance metrics like open and click-through rates to optimize future campaigns for better results.

6. Strategic Social Media Marketing for Real Estate

Remember TikTok before the pandemic? Once, it was about silly lip-syncing trends and random flailings. Fast-forward to today, and it’s a social media juggernaut with over 1.7 billion users! The lesson? Social media moves fast, and it’s a goldmine for real estate agents who know how to leverage it.

Social media marketing for real estate agents has become essential and accessible. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, X, Linkedin, and even TikTok are all about discovering new things.

These platforms use fancy algorithms to show users content they’ll love based on their past activity. For example, you can create content showcasing “dream home inspiration” for someone who keeps ogling kitchen renovation videos! The next minute, they become your stan on every social media platform.

You must showcase stunning properties with eye-catching photos and videos in every short and long content format. Always find ways to foster emotional connections with followers with real estate Instagram posts and attractive real estate Facebook posts

The following Instagram post template with a clear CTA is bound to lure your audience back to your website. 

real estate Instagram post

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The following Facebook post template will inspire your followers to learn more about your property listing. 

Real estate Facebook post

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Next are short, snippety videos and reels that capture leads and engagement. Moreover, you can use them as Instagram stories or Facebook stories.

Moreover, leverage X/Twitter newsletters for effective brand marketing. Share real estate newsletters with your X/Twitter followers like a promotional post. Create X/Twitter posts like the following template and showcase newness with great deals or walk-through videos to engage potential buyers and sellers.

Real estate X-Twitter post

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You need to make your presence visible on LinkedIn and Pinterest as well. The following templates show what dominates in new-age marketing. 

Real estate linkedin banner

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real estate pinterest graphics

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The goal? Social media is about building relationships and becoming the go-to expert in your local market. 

7. Request Online Reviews and Testimonials

I have heard this story so many times from realtors. You bend backward for your clients, find them the perfect home, and with a tiny mistake, poof! The buyer is now angry. There are no online reviews, referrals, or word of mouth for your hard work.  

Let’s face it: reviews are the new gold standard in real estate. Why? Well, for starters, online reviews are like little neon signs for potential clients searching the web. Positive reviews scream, “Trustworthy!” “Expert!” “Gets the Job Done!”  – everything you want a potential buyer or seller to think about you.

So, how do you unlock this review goldmine?  

Be bold about asking past clients to leave a review! A friendly heads-up: Google reviews are king, so prioritize getting one.  Make it easy for them by providing links or sending a quick email with clear instructions.

Testimonials examples on website
Source: Diane & Jane

Like the above testimonial page example, you can encourage clients with positive experiences to share their journey on your website. These mini-stories showcase your agency’s special skills and resonate with potential clients looking for a similar experience.

Most importantly, don’t keep those glowing reviews locked away on your website! Repurpose those testimonials into engaging social media posts—bite-sized quotes paired with eye-catching visuals.

Also, leverage the power of trendy social media stories. Feature snippets of your best testimonials, showcasing happy client faces and raving quotes like the following template.

business Linkedin post with testimonial

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These social proofs build trust and credibility, attracting new leads who see themselves in your past client’s success stories.

8. Use Easily Distributable Marketing Materials for Local Networking

You can use quickly distributable real estate marketing materials like brochures, posters, flyers, and business cards

Here are some unique examples of these essential marketing documents. 

Real estate brochure

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Real estate flyer

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Ensure your marketing materials have all the vital info: your company name, logo, and how to get in touch. Spruce them up with your listings and services using eye-catching pictures and juicy details. Nowadays, you’ve got options—go old school with print or dive into the digital world. Use both to amp up your marketing game!

9. Use Visualization in Presentations and Infographics for Properties

Are your marketing materials a snoozefest? Generic stock photos just don’t cut it anymore. The key to grabbing attention lies in the power of visual storytelling

Before you panic about needing a graphic design degree, hear me out. There’s a solution for everyone! Investing some time learning basic design principles and using an easy design tool like DocHipo will allow you to create stunning visuals that elevate your entire real estate content marketing.

Use charts, graphs, and infographics to explain complex market trends or showcase the unique benefits of your local area. Including them in your market reports, playbooks, blogs, or social media will give your prospects the accurate data they seek.

10. Marketing Tips for Real Estate Ad Campaigns

While organic reach is excellent, PPC (pay-per-click) marketing lets you target quality leads actively searching for what you offer. Google ads help you to generate demand within your target audience by showing up right when potential clients are Googling ‘houses for sale near me!’.

PPC ads are like tiny billboards in the digital world. You set the parameters, like location, keywords, and even demographics. This way, your ad reaches the perfect audience, not just random internet scrollers! Also, create an ad copy or description for curated advertisements for Real Estate. A clear call to action connected to a landing page shows more clicks and conversions from such Google ads. 

Also, real estate social media advertising has rapidly grown immensely popular and effective. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even TikTok allow you to target users based on demographics, interests, and online behavior.

Craft eye-catching visuals that grab attention. Be creative and hone your editing skills up for advertising content creation with stunning property photos or neighborhood highlight reels. Check out these tempting real estate Facebook and Instagram ad templates so that you can easily design custom ads for your next campaign.

real estate facebook ad

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Real estate instagram ad

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Then, pair them with a clear call to action and link to your property listing webpage or a free home valuation tool. 

If you are thinking about the content, always start a paid campaign of real estate advertise with your catalog listing. 

11. Tips for Real Estate WhatsApp marketing

With over 2 billion users worldwide, WhatsApp is the messaging platform where everyone’s hanging out. That means a massive pool of potential clients at your fingertips! You need a WhatsApp business account to connect with your prospects more personally. 

WhatsApp business for real estate is an effective and essential marketing tool nowadays. 

Clients crave fast, accessible communication. Imagine a world where they can text you a question about a listing and get a reply within minutes!

Showcase properties in all their glory! Share photos, brochures, and even 360-degree tours, giving clients a virtual walk-through before stepping into the property. 

Create a professional profile that tells your story. Highlight your services, showcase your listings, and let potential clients get to know the amazing agent behind the business.

But the real magic lies in automation. Because who has time for repetitive tasks? Set up auto-replies for FAQs, appointment confirmations, and even open house reminders. This will free up your time to focus on what matters most — closing deals!

12. Tips for Real Estate SMS Marketing

Many digital marketing and real estate companies often forget about a powerful marketing tool, SMS marketing. 

Now, before you dismiss it as “old-fashioned,” hear me out. Because in this digital age, standing out from the crowd is key. While everyone else is battling it out in email inboxes and social media feeds, SMS offers a direct line to your leads. 

Why is it one of the best marketing tips for realtors? Because it gets noticed. With an open rate of 97% compared to email’s 20%, your message has a much higher chance of being seen. 

But remember, effectiveness is key. You want to avoid bombarding anyone with pushy promotions! SMS marketing is best reserved for qualified leads who are already engaged in the buying or selling process. It is used for personalized updates on new listings or important reminders about upcoming open houses.

13. Use Local Media

I’m sure you would love to become the go-to realtor in your community. If so, local media has undeniable power regarding realtors marketing! Target your local prospects with local media like magazines, newspapers, and radio. 

Partner with local newspapers to run eye-catching ads showcasing your top listings or expertise in specific neighborhoods. 

Consider sponsoring local events to connect with residents face-to-face. Advertising for a rental property or a high-end house becomes a cakewalk for realtors at such events.

Also, remember the power of the radio! Catchy ad spots can leave a lasting impression on listeners during daily commutes. 

By strategically leveraging these local media outlets, you’ll put your brand at the forefront of their minds, making you the first realtor they think of when buying or selling a home. 

14. Marketing Tips for Realtors for Perfect Pitch

Do you feel a little tongue-tied when meeting new leads? One of the best tips for real estate marketers is to prepare a powerful 30-second pitch that converts fleeting interactions into lasting connections. Start with a compelling statement that grabs their attention for your pitch deck.  You have to sell them a dream with your style of storytelling. 

Real Estate Marketing Presentation

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Briefly showcase your area of specialization. Are you a master negotiator for sellers? Does your personality give the impression of a local market wiz? Well, use your soft skill arsenal to convey the value of your service. 

Also, don’t forget to highlight your properties with USPs that will surprise them. People always want to opt for the best in their limits, and your job as a real estate agent is to precede that expectation.

15. Maintain a Solid Curb Appeal

Maintaining a solid curb appeal isn’t just about making your property look pretty—it’s about making potential buyers fall head over heels before they even step inside. As a realtor, you know that first impressions are everything, and curb appeal is the strategy that will save you from negative reviews.

So why does it matter? Imagine a buyer approaching a house with overgrown bushes, a cracked driveway, and peeling paint. Not exactly love at first sight, right? But flip the script — a well-kept lawn, a fresh coat of paint, and some charming landscaping—and suddenly, you’ve got buyers practically racing to sign on the dotted line.

But how do you achieve that irresistible curb appeal? Keep your property maintained throughout the seasons. Trim those hedges, mow that lawn, and plant some colorful flowers. A little greenery goes a long way in boosting your home property’s charm factor.

Give your home a facelift with a fresh coat of paint, clean windows, and a tidy porch. It’s amazing what a bit of TLC can do!

Illuminate your property with tasteful outdoor lighting. It enhances safety and security and adds a touch of warmth and ambiance.

Remember, curb appeal isn’t just about impressing buyers—it also says much about how much you care.

16. Keep a Scorecard for Referrals

Even after implementing the best marketing strategies, you may not meet the desired sales. Consider this: 42% of sellers find their realtors through referrals! Why? because people trust their friends and family’s recommendations, which are way better than an ad.

So, how do you tap into this referral powerhouse? It’s all about building those rock-solid client relationships! When you go above and beyond for your clients, they’ll happily take your name as the best recommendation.

Don’t be shy about asking! A simple “Would you be willing to refer me to your network?” can work wonders. As a thank you, offer incentives like discounts or gift cards, but focus on building genuine connections, not just a transactional relationship.

17. Offer Exclusive Incentives

As a real estate agent, offering exclusive incentives to buyers and local partners can be effective for your business. Not only does it set you apart from the competition, but it also strengthens your relationships and boosts your sales. So, let’s dive into how you can do it right!

First things first, get creative with your incentives. Think beyond the typical discounts or freebies. Consider offering unique experiences, like a VIP tour of properties or a dinner at a trendy local restaurant. The key is to tailor your incentives to your audience’s preferences, whether it’s potential buyers or local partners.

Next, make sure your incentives are exclusive. You want people to feel special and valued, so offer something they can’t get elsewhere. It could be access to pre-market listings or exclusive networking events with other industry professionals. Whatever it is, make it worth their while.

Now, let’s talk about promotion. Don’t be shy about shouting your incentives from the rooftops! Use your website, social media channels, and email newsletters to spread the word. And don’t forget to highlight the benefits of your incentives – why should people take advantage of them?

Last but not least, follow through on your promises. If you’ve promised buyers a personalized home search or local partners increased exposure, make sure you deliver. Consistency and reliability will help you build trust and credibility in the long run.

By offering exclusive incentives with a touch of creativity and sincerity, you’ll attract more clients and foster stronger relationships within your community. 

18. Utilize CRM Software to Keep Track of Clients

Sometimes, managing multiple leads can feel like a circus act! Having the right tools in your arsenal is the key to staying organized and on top of your game. A CRM tool can be your one-stop solution for lead management magic!

It helps you organize listings, leads, and interactions, all neatly organized in one central location. Prices and property details are readily available at your fingertips. Automated reminders keep you on top of follow-up calls and appointments. By streamlining your workflow and keeping you organized, a CRM frees you up to focus on what you do best: connecting with clients and closing deals.


With the real estate market heating up, agents like you must step up their game. You must roll out mindful, quick, and regular content to stay on the top of your potential client’s list. Also, stay in the loop with the latest trends and master those golden practices for your marketing strategy.

And don’t stress out for any sort of real estate marketing materials. With so many resources and cool design widgets, DocHipo makes designing content easy and fun. So, sign up for free today. 


How do real estate agents get clients?

Real estate agents often get clients through networking, marketing, and reputation building. They might connect with potential clients through referrals from past clients or friends, engage in social media marketing, host open houses, or even advertise in local newspapers or online platforms. Building a solid reputation for professionalism through marketing materials, sales pitches, and excellent service also goes a long way in attracting clients through word of mouth. 

What is direct marketing in real estate?

Direct marketing in real estate is like sending a personalized solution to your dream homebuyer. It’s all about reaching out directly to potential buyers or sellers without the middleman of traditional advertising. Real estate marketing materials like attractive postcards, targeted emails, or even sales calls connect with folks looking to buy or sell property. 

Is digital marketing good for real estate?

Absolutely! Digital marketing is essential for real estate! With digital marketing tools like social media ads, Google ads, targeted emails, and WhatsApp business, you can reach potential buyers or renters where they spend most of their time — online! It’s super cost-effective compared to traditional methods like print ads or billboards. 

How do you write a description of a commercial property?

Writing a description of a commercial property is all about highlighting its key features and benefits clearly and engagingly. Start with the basics: location, size, and type of property. Then, dive into what makes it unique — amenities, nearby attractions, and potential uses. Use descriptive language to paint a picture for potential buyers or tenants. And don’t forget to mention any special features that could set it apart from other properties on the market. 

Is TikTok good for real estate marketing?

TikTok can be a secret weapon for real estate marketing. It’s all about showcasing properties in creative and engaging ways. With its short-form video format, you can give potential buyers a quick glimpse of listings, share tips on home buying, or even showcase your expertise in the industry. Moreover, TikTok’s algorithm can help you reach a wider audience, helping you increase TikTok likes and views if you use the right hashtags and engage with your viewers. So, yes, TikTok can be a valuable real estate marketing tool!

Is Instagram good for real estate marketing?

Instagram can be beneficial for real estate marketing. It’s visually engaging and allows you to showcase properties in your unique essence. You can use it to highlight beautiful listings, share behind-the-scenes glimpses, and even connect with potential buyers through direct messages. Plus, with features like Stories and Reels, you have plenty of creative ways to stand out in the crowded market. 

Does influencer marketing work for real estate?

Influencer marketing can be a game-changer in the real estate world. By partnering with influencers who resonate with your target audience, you can amplify your brand’s visibility, credibility, and reach. Whether it’s showcasing properties, sharing expert tips, or highlighting neighborhood charms, influencers have the power to make real estate listings more engaging and relatable. Plus, their authentic endorsements can build trust among potential buyers and sellers. So, influencer marketing works wonders in real estate, and you should try it!