Email Header Templates

Choose from a wide variety of customizable Email Header templates and customize using DocHipo's intuitive drag-and-drop editor.

Email Header Templates

Browse Email Header Templates

Our designers have already done the heavy lifting for you. Choose from a wide variety of Email Header templates that fits your use case and customize in minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use these Email Header templates?

Choose a email header template you like, sign up for free if you haven’t signed up yet, and start customizing using DocHipo’s intuitive drag-and-drop editor.

How do I find free Email Header templates?

Free templates for email header are labeled as “Free” so that you can instantly identify them and start customizing. The premium templates require a Pro edition.

If I download an Email Header, will it leave a watermark?

No. Once you design an Email Header inside DocHipo and download the same, we don’t leave any watermark whatsoever, even if you are on the Free plan.

How can I learn more about customizing these Email Header templates?

The step-by-step DocHipo video tutorials will walk you through how to customize these templates for email header and make them look stunning!

More Resources

calender Last Updated Jun 7, 2024
How to Create an Eye-catching Email Header Design

The email header helps you announce yourself to the readers while creating a visual identity immediately. 55% of B2C content creators say that their main priority is to create visual content because it helps them drive 650% higher engagement than texts. Hence, if you don’t think much about your email header design, this is the time to consider. Let’s explore what exactly an email header design is and how to create one. How to Make an Email Header Design Use Your Logo: Incorporate your brand logo to introduce your message and capture readers' attention. Choose Your Colors Appropriately: Select brand-aligned...

calender Last Updated Jun 6, 2024
How to Create a Thanksgiving Email Header

According to a recent study, email marketing is 40x more effective than social media in acquiring new customers. So, Email headers are one of the most critical graphics of your Email Marketing strategy. Thanksgiving Email Header Design is one of the most significant opportunities for marketers to reach out to their target audience. How to Make a Thanksgiving Email Header Include Your Branding: Integrate brand colors and fonts to establish identity. Make It Colorful: Use recognizable color palettes to boost brand recognition. Use Relevant Images: Enhance appeal with high-quality, relevant images. Pick Relevant Fonts: Choose legible, mood-setting fonts that reflect...

calender Last Updated Jun 5, 2024
How to Marry Design and Typography: Your Competitors Wish They Knew It

Hmm, it is a difficult job indeed. Even the most celebrated designers get tired of brainstorming. Effective collaboration of design elements and typography is necessary for engaging results, from the business card to a fifteen-page presentation. If you, too, want to brew great designs, you will have to focus on layering the two smartly so that the outcome brings results. In this post, we will discuss the collaboration of design and typography. Collaborate Design and Typography Design and typography composition: Only a measured amount of each element with ample whitespace in the design can make your designs win accolades. Images...

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