Book Cover Templates

Choose from a wide variety of customizable Book Cover templates and customize using DocHipo's intuitive drag-and-drop editor.


Browse Book Cover Templates

Our designers have already done the heavy lifting for you. Choose from a wide variety of Book Cover templates that fits your use case and customize in minutes.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use these Book Cover templates?

Choose a Book Cover template you like, sign up for free if you haven’t signed up yet, and start customizing using DocHipo’s intuitive drag-and-drop editor.

How do I find free Book Cover templates?

Free Book Cover templates are labeled as “Free” so that you can instantly identify them and start customizing. The premium templates require a Pro edition.

If I download a Book Cover, will it leave a watermark?

No. Once you design a Book Cover inside DocHipo and download the same, we don’t leave any watermark whatsoever, even if you are on the Free plan.

How can I learn more about customizing these Book Cover templates?

The step-by-step DocHipo video tutorials will walk you through how to customize these Book Cover templates and make them look stunning!

More Resources

calender Last Updated Jun 6, 2024
How to Design a Book Cover that Sells (Step-by-Step Guide with Templates)

Whether you’re designing a book cover for yourself or a client, you can’t afford to have an unattractive book cover design and let the amazing book suffer from low sales. On the other hand, eye-catching book covers intrigue people and are more likely to be picked up. A fantastic book cover must give potential readers a solid reason to purchase the book. And one chance is all you get to make a great first impression.  How to Design a Book Cover Identify the Book’s Main Themes: A book cover must support the book's subject matter, tone, and mood.  Consider the...

calender Last Updated Jun 7, 2024
How to Design Children’s Book Cover in 2024

Cover design can increase a book's visibility by more than 50%. This is especially true when you are designing a cover for children's books. The tiny winy little minds are naturally more attracted to big and bright visuals than dull and drab texts. So, let’s see how to design a children's book cover that attracts little readers instantly! How to Design Children's Book Cover Smart Use of Color: Bright colors attract kids' attention and make objects stand out. Add a Dash of Magic: Use cute, whimsical illustrations to engage young readers. Combine Lessons with Fun: Make designs educational yet entertaining...

calender Last Updated Jun 6, 2024
How to Design a Romance Book Cover to Stand Out

Do you know that one-third of all mass-market fiction books sold are romance books? This means millions of romance books are snuggly cozying up together on shelves and warming up in people's hands. According to a recent study by Forbes, the number of books published each year in the US alone is 600,000 to 1,000,000. Hence, you might write the best books in your genre, but your book might not still stand out from the crowd. How to Create a Romance Book Cover Design Use Colors Consciously: Choose feminine colors like Pink, Red, and Purple to appeal to female readers....

calender Last Updated Jul 9, 2024
Cookbook Cover Design: How to Design a Cookbook Cover that Sells

Cooking is a passion for some people, and for others, it's a nightmare. But if you are from the first category, you might have some winning recipes to share and help the second category. As you are reading this article, you might already have written your book and are looking for the best cookbook cover design to sell it. Then congratulations on the incredible achievement. Or maybe someone asked you to design a cookbook cover, and you know the importance of this task. In either case, DocHipo can help you with your cookbook cover design and make this critical task...

calender Last Updated Jun 6, 2024
10+ Simple Ways to Enhance Images

Are you not satisfied with the quality of your photo? Has it ever happened to you that you have the perfect image, but it doesn’t reflect the vibe of the document you’re designing?  In that case, you don’t have to search for more images or hire professionals to enhance the look and feel of your images to use them in your designs. Work on a few techniques to enhance the photo to go best with the marketing collateral you’re designing. How to Enhance Images Frame the photo correctly: Set the photo so that the main subject looks more harmonious. Background...

calender Last Updated Jun 5, 2024
Best Color Combinations And How To Use Them In Your Design

Whether you are about to build a new brand from scratch or launch a new product, color combinations always significantly impact your overall message and effectiveness. According to color psychologists, specific colors can grab people’s attention, create an emotional connection and ultimately make a long-lasting impression. Finding the best color combinations for your marketing or branding is not an easy task. It requires a lot of research. But don’t worry, we will always try our best to minimize your efforts. Best Color Combinations Color Combinations with Two Colors Oxford Blue (#000C3B) and Rose Red (#BC0556): Symbolizes luxury, power, nobility, and...

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