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What is a Flyer: A Comprehensive Guide for Flyers in Marketing

Last Updated Jun 1, 2024

What is a flyer? It’s more than just a piece of paper—it’s a timeless marketing tradition that has transcended centuries. In ancient times, merchants also spread the word about their goods and services by distributing scrolls and parchments among the bustling crowds. 

What is a Flyer

  • Versatile Tool: Versatile advertising tool.
  • Essential Info: Delivers essential information.
  • Distribution: Distributed physically or digitally.
  • Promotion: Promotes products, services, events, and updates.
  • Exposure: Ensures maximum exposure and engagement.

Fast-forward to today, these are still prevalent in marketing strategies worldwide. These small, colorful pages of advertisement may seem simple at first glance. However, in the hands of a passer-by, they speak volumes about a company.

Did you know that 88% of companies have successfully increased their sales through flyer distribution? For the record, 39% of people who received it became customers. Discover the purpose of flyers and how strategically they can boost your business and sales. Also, explore how easily you can design it with vital information for maximum impact. Understanding its effective marketing starts here with this comprehensive guide.

What is a Flyer

Do you often wonder, “What is a flyer?” when you want to strategically choose suitable marketing materials?

Let’s put a stop to the lingering thought and understand the meaning of flyers. It is a versatile advertising tool for spreading the word about your brand, business, or organization. These single-page wonders pack a punch, delivering essential information about products, services, upcoming events, and company updates to your target audience.

Flyers are typically printed on sheets of paper and distributed physically or digitally. While they are commonly distributed in offline channels, digital flyers have also been successful, ensuring maximum exposure and engagement across various online platforms. Here’s an example of how you can promote tuition classes.

Chemistry Tuition Flyer

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In the bustling world of promotional materials, three types of flyers stand out: digital, handbills, and mailers.

I will briefly elaborate on these three variants. This categorization is based on how you want to use it. Digital flyers are vibrant and interactive and reach broad audiences effortlessly online. Meanwhile, compact and eye-catching handbills thrive in real-world interactions, grabbing attention on the streets. On the other hand, personalized and tactile mailers create lasting impressions directly in mailboxes, fostering meaningful connections.

How are Flyers Different from Other Marketing Materials

You are not alone if you have doubts about a flyer, brochure, or pamphlet.

What is the Difference Between a Flyer and a Brochure

In fact, we often get confused between these two documents. Flyers are not just pieces of paper but powerful tools that can drive actual results for your business. I will briefly discuss how to increase the number of customers using it in a while.

But hold on a second. Let’s clarify something. What exactly sets flyers apart from brochures? 

Source: Diffeology

While brochures are like the wiki of print marketing, offering ample space to delve into the nitty-gritty details of your products and services, flyers are more like the flashy billboards of the marketing world. It is used to catch attention at a glance with bold graphics and punchy messages.

Unlike brochures, which can be folded or stapled into multi-page booklets, flyers are typically single-page documents. Besides, they’re perfect for grabbing attention in high-traffic areas or reaching a broad audience with minimal effort. With this material, you cast a wide net and attract interest from a diverse crowd. On the other hand, brochures provide in-depth information to those keen on learning more about your offerings.

What is the Difference Between a Flyer and a Pamphlet

Unlike pamphlets, which are typically small booklets aimed at educating readers on various topics, flyers are single-page promotional materials designed to captivate attention and drive action. With its eye-catching designs and persuasive messaging, it can cut through the noise and leave a lasting impression on potential customers.

Now, let’s look at why marketers believe in its effectiveness.

Why Should You Make a Flyer

I will disclose here how these small yet mighty promotional tools have the power to captivate audiences, drive engagement, and elevate your brand’s visibility to new heights!

1. Cost-Effective Marketing 

Flyers offer a cost-effective marketing solution for small businesses with limited budgets. Moreover, printing is relatively inexpensive compared to other forms of advertising, such as television or billboard ads. With careful planning and design, companies can reach a broad audience without breaking the bank.

2. Enhanced Brand Visibility

It provides an opportunity to showcase your brand identity in a visually engaging way. Also, by consistently displaying your logo, colors, and messaging across your document designs, you reinforce brand recognition and strengthen your brand’s presence in consumers’ minds.

3. Local Targeting 

Flyers indeed allow businesses to precisely target specific geographic areas. Whether it’s a local neighborhood, event, or trade show, distributing it enables businesses to connect with their local community directly. For the same reason, a localized approach helps build a solid presence and foster relationships with potential customers in the vicinity.

4. Tangible and Immediate Impact

As you can hold them, the touch provides a tangible and physical form of communication. A well-designed flyer in hand captures the recipient’s attention and engages their senses, making the message more memorable and impactful. Sometimes, this tactile experience creates a lasting impression that digital ads often struggle to achieve.

Furthermore, flyers offer a direct and immediate call-to-action in their design. Whether it’s about visiting a store, attending an event, or redeeming a special offer, flyers prompt recipients to take action promptly, driving foot traffic and conversions.

5. Creative Freedom

In addition, it gives businesses the creative freedom to showcase their brand personality and messaging uniquely. From eye-catching designs to compelling copywriting, businesses have the flexibility to tailor this tool to suit their target audience and marketing objectives. This creative expression certainly helps them stand out from competitors and capture the attention of potential customers.

6. Complementing Digital Marketing

Flyers can complement your digital marketing efforts by driving traffic to your online channels. Including QR codes, social media handles, or website URLs on your flyers definitely encourages recipients to engage with your brand online, amplifying your digital reach and conversions.

By leveraging flyers’ hyperlocation and tangible nature, targeting specific demographics, and reinforcing your brand identity, you can create impactful marketing campaigns that improve sales.

What are the 5 Parts of a Flyer

By the definition of flyers, you get to advertise your brand directly. Some crucial information should be conveyed through the flyer in a promotional way. Before unleashing your flyers into the crowd, it’s essential to master the five key elements they encompass.

1. Compelling Headline

Your flyer’s headline is your audience’s first point of contact, so it needs to grab attention and instantly spark interest. A compelling headline should be concise, clear, and persuasive, enticing readers to delve deeper into the flyer’s content. For example, a bakery promoting a special discount could use a headline like “Sweet Savings Inside: Get 20% Off Your Next Purchase!”

In that case, you will love the following car wash flyer template with a strong headline explaining its best offer: flexibility comes with mobility. Indeed, it shouts out the unique service in three bold words!

car wash flyer compelling heading in a flyer

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2. Clear and Engaging Images and Graphics for Prominent Layouts

Visual elements are crucial in capturing the audience’s attention and conveying your message effectively. Clear, high-quality images or graphics relevant to your offering can make your flyer more visually appealing and memorable. For instance, a gym could include vibrant pictures of people exercising or achieving their fitness goals to inspire potential customers.

The following unique business flyer will surely grab eyeballs with a voguish corporate image like the following one.

business flyers

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3. Concise and Persuasive Copy

The body of your flyer should contain concise yet persuasive copy highlighting the benefits of your product or service. Focus on addressing the needs and desires of your target audience while keeping the language simple and easy to understand. For example, a real estate agency could use persuasive copy like “Find Your Dream Home Today – Affordable Prices, Prime Locations, and Expert Guidance!”

Similarly, I have shared a real estate flyer template below. I hope you like the catchy texts that always attract buyers.

real estate flyers with engaging copy

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4. Specific Call-to-Action (CTA)

A solid call to action (CTA) is essential for guiding your audience toward the desired action, whether purchasing, signing up for a service, or visiting your website. Your CTA should be clear, specific, and compelling, prompting readers to act immediately. For example, a restaurant could use a CTA like “Call Now to Reserve Your Table and Enjoy a Delicious Dining Experience!”

To see how you can design flyer templates with unmissable CTA, look at the following restaurant flyer design. 

food flyer

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5. Vital Contact Information

Ensure that your flyer includes clear and easily accessible contact information to make it convenient for interested individuals to contact you. This information may include your phone number, email address, website URL, or physical address, depending on your preferred mode of communication. If you were a local pet grooming salon owner, you could display your contact information prominently at the bottom of the flyer, making it easy for pet owners to schedule appointments.

Still trying to understand how to include all this information in a single design? Look at the following template. Indeed, our designers have used enough space and a striking color to highlight the contact details, which align perfectly with the design aesthetics.

corporate flyer with detailed info

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Different Examples of Flyers for Impactful Marketing

Next, you will learn more about different types of flyers with templates for marketing.

1. Informational Flyer Design

Imagine a world where flyers aren’t just about sales pitches or event promotions. Sometimes, you need informational flyers! These subtle marketing tools educate and enlighten your audience on a particular topic. 

Here is an example of an informational flyer where you can easily read the text-heavy instructions to keep yourself safe during an earthquake. 

informal flyer for earthquake safety instructions
Source: USGS

They’re the go-to choice for packing in loads of helpful text, whether it’s step-by-step instructions, handy guidelines, or insightful articles. You’ll often spot such flyers in schools, government offices, or non-profit organizations, where knowledge is power and sharing is caring.

2. Corporate Flyers

In the bustling business world, corporate flyers serve as handy little messengers, spreading the word about a company and its offerings to eager potential clients or investors. 

Corporate Flyer for App development company

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Corporate flyers showcase what makes a business stand out in the crowd. Beyond just promotion, they pack a punch with their versatility. 

corporate flyers

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Corporate flyers can serve as invitations to special events or enticing information about the company at conferences and trade shows. Because they can capture attention and convey key messages succinctly, they are a must-have tool in any savvy marketer’s arsenal.

3. Event Flyers

Imagine strolling down the street and suddenly being handed a vibrant flyer. What catches your eye? It could be an exciting concert, an upcoming festival filled with music and fun, an engaging quiz event, or a thought-provoking conference. Look at the charming flyer for the kids’ quiz event; would you have the power to overlook it?

Quiz Flyer

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Event flyers spread the word about gatherings that promise unforgettable experiences. From local community gatherings and charity events to art exhibitions and most awaited webinar announcements, event flyers serve as the ultimate invitation, enticing attendees with glimpses of what’s in store. 

webiner event flyer-education

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food flyer

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Does the above flyer excite you to be immersed in the scented whiff of Italian flavors? With their colorful designs and catchy slogans, these flyers ignite curiosity and excitement, drawing crowds to mark their calendars and eagerly join in on the action.

4. Promotional Flyers

Promotional flyers are potent tools for driving brand awareness, generating leads, and boosting sales. These pocket-sized powerhouses allow businesses to connect directly with their target audience by promoting special offers, announcing new product launches, showcasing upcoming events, and persuading leads to purchase.

Look how easily, as a new bookstore owner, you can grab the attention of kids and students from a busy street with the following handy flyer.

book shop opening- education-promotional flyer

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Also, this car wash flyer with a flashing discount of 40% will grab the attention of car owners. If you want to know more about attractive car wash flyers or other promotional types to convert more people into your customers, shake hands with DocHipo for free templates and loads of insights!

car wash promotional flyer

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Promotional flyers grab attention and leave a lasting impression on potential customers by leveraging eye-catching designs, compelling messaging, and strategic online and offline distribution channels. 

5. Educational Flyers

Many educational institutions leverage the power of advertising with flyers as a dynamic tool to showcase their admissions, upcoming programs, workshops, and seminars. 

education admission flyer

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Educational flyers are deemed as invitations to prospective students, parents, and community members, offering a glimpse into the enriching opportunities available. 

Education Flyer for Education Fair

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Education flyers are invaluable communication channels. They can advertise college registration events and campus tours and announce scholarship opportunities and extracurricular activities. 

6. Product Flyers

Flyers are powerful tools for businesses to spotlight their offerings, be it a mouthwatering dish at a local restaurant or a luxurious property on the market. For instance, imagine a real estate flyer showcasing stunning images of a luxury family home, complete with details on its features and an invitation for an open house. 

real estate flyers

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Or picture a restaurant or food flyer tempting you with tantalizing images of its signature desserts and irresistible deals for your next dining adventure. 

food flyer- product

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In both cases, the flyer acts as a visual appetizer, enticing potential customers with a taste of what’s in store.

How to Create a Flyer Design with DocHipo

Signing up on DocHipo allows you to create magnetic flyers in three steps. Let’s see how easily you can design a flyer with various template options.

Step 1: Find a Suitable Flyer Template

Now, you don’t have to create a flyer from scratch anymore! With a range of striking flyer templates per your industry needs, spend less time on your design spectacle and more on your other pressing priorities. 

You can search for a flyer template directly or go to “Business Essentials” to explore our constantly growing collection.

Watch the video to learn more about finding a suitable template.

As you can see, DocHipo has a variety of templates for every industry.

Step 2: Customize Your Design

Choose a flyer template to start customizing it for your business. DocHipo editor is your creative space, where you can edit text, images, and graphic elements with powerful design widgets, including AI tools, to accelerate your creative efficiency. Add any effect to these graphic elements to make your design stand out. 

Watch the following video to find the necessary design widgets in one go.

Let’s try to design a yummy restaurant flyer with the most convenient free flyer maker

You can easily change the pictures used in the templates with the ones you like from our free stock photos library integrated with Unsplash and Pexels. 

Watch this short video to see what DocHipo offers if you want attractive visuals.

Keep just one tab open and do everything from one almighty design tool! That’s called being a minimalist user.

Here’s a short tutorial on how to add your image files with the upload option.

Step 3: Download Your Design

Click on the top right corner to download your design. 

Or, watch the video to guide you through the download process.

Also, don’t forget to watch why you should start designing your essential documents with DocHipo.

Ideal Flyer Distribution Strategies

Effective distribution ensures that your flyers reach the right audience and yield the desired results. Here are some ideal flyer distribution strategies to maximize the impact of your marketing efforts:

1. Targeted Locations

Identify locations where your target audience is frequently available in a large number. Whether it’s local businesses, community centers, or event venues, strategically placing your flyers in high-traffic areas increases the likelihood of engagement.

2. Strategic Timing

Consider the timing of your flyer distribution to optimize visibility and response rates. For example, if you’re promoting a weekend event, distribute flyers earlier in the week to build anticipation and generate buzz. Timing is crucial to capturing your audience’s attention when they’re most receptive.

3. Door Drops

Door drops, a vital component of direct marketing, are ideal for materials like leaflets or flyers. A strategic door drop campaign shares non-addressed flyers across a targeted geographic zone. This approach ensures your branded message reaches new and established customers directly in their homes, fostering significant engagement. Studies reveal that 73% of door drops are either opened and read or lead to subsequent purchases. Moreover, they offer exceptional value for money, presenting an economical avenue to convey your message to potential clients.

4. Direct Mail Campaigns

Utilize direct mail campaigns to reach potential customers directly in their homes. By mailing flyers to targeted mailing lists based on demographic or geographic criteria, you can ensure that your message reaches individuals likely to be interested in your products or services.

5. Collaborations and Partnerships

Partnering with local businesses, organizations, or influencers can amplify the reach of your flyer distribution efforts. Consider collaborating on joint promotions or cross-promotional opportunities to tap into each other’s networks and expand your audience reach.

6. Event Promotion

If you’re hosting an event, use flyer distribution as a promotional tool to drive attendance. Distribute flyers at relevant events, conferences, or trade shows where your target audience will likely gather. Ask volunteers or street teams to distribute flyers in high-traffic areas leading up to the event.

7. Digital Integration and Digital Networking

Include digital channels in your flyer distribution strategy to extend your reach and enhance engagement. For example, include QR codes or social media tags on your flyers that direct recipients to your website, social media profiles, or online promotions. This seamless integration between offline and online channels encourages further interaction with your brand.

Also, with digital flyers, you can set a broad target audience for your flyer marketing through social media channels

Implementing these ideal flyer distribution strategies can help you actively reach your target audience, drive engagement, and ultimately achieve your marketing objectives. Thoughtful planning and execution are essential for maximizing the impact of your flyer distribution campaigns.


Hopefully, you understand “what is a flyer” and its best practices, which will increase your brand awareness and conversion. Now, take one step closer to creating designs more effectively with DocHipo. Sign up now and enjoy the free and collected design solutions at your fingertips.


What is a flyer in business?

A flyer in business is a marketing material typically used to convey information about products, services, events, or special offers. It is a printed or digital document with concise and visually appealing content to attract attention and encourage engagement from potential customers or clients. 

Why are flyers important?

Flyers are essential because they are powerful marketing tools that effectively promote businesses, events, products, or services to a targeted audience. They are cost-effective, allowing companies to reach many potential customers quickly and efficiently. Additionally, flyers provide tangible information that recipients can easily refer to, helping to increase brand visibility and awareness. Moreover, flyers offer flexibility in design and distribution, making them adaptable to various marketing strategies and allowing businesses to convey their message creatively.

Is flyer and pamphlet same?

Flyers and pamphlets are very similar but not the same. Both are printed materials used for the promotion or dissemination of information. Flyers are typically single-page documents, often smaller in size, designed to grab attention and convey a message concisely and quickly. Conversely, pamphlets are usually multi-page documents, providing more detailed information on a topic or event. While both serve as marketing tools, the main difference lies in their size and depth of content.

Is flyer and brochure same?

Flyers and brochures are different. While both are printed materials used to advertise or promote products, events, or services, they differ in design, format, and purpose. 

Flyers are typically single-page documents, often smaller in size, intended for quick distribution to convey a brief message or announcement. On the other hand, brochures are usually multi-page documents with more detailed information, organized in a structured layout, and often folded into sections. 

Is a flyer only one page?

Mainly, traditional flyers are a single-page marketing document.

Who uses flyers?

Typical users of flyers include businesses, event organizers, non-profit organizations, political campaigns, educational institutions, and individuals promoting personal events or services. Essentially, anyone looking to reach a targeted audience with concise and visually appealing information can benefit from using flyers.