X/Twitter Ad Size: A Complete Guide for all X/Twitter Ad Formats

Are you considering advertising on X/Twitter? You are thinking in the right direction, as X/Twitter ads have the potential to reach 544.5 million people. The platform has an immense opportunity to create brand awareness for your business. Therefore, we have brought your go-to guide for X/Twitter ad size.
X/Twitter ad specs are crucial to make your ad campaigns successful. Understanding the proper specifications helps you to upload images and videos, ensuring the visibility of your ads. The X/Twitter ad size depends on the ad format. Here is the Twitter size chart for various X post size formats:
X/Twitter Ad Size
- X/Twitter Text Ad Size: 280 characters; each link reduces the tweet copy size by 23 characters.
- Standard X/Twitter Image Ad Size: 800X418 for an aspect ratio of 1.91:1 and 800X800 for a 1:1 aspect ratio. The maximum file size should be 5 MB.
- Standalone X/Twitter Ad Video Size: 1200X1200 pixels with an aspect ratio 1:1 and 1920X1080 pixels with an aspect ratio of 16:9.
- X/Twitter Carousel Ads: 800X418 pixels for images in a 1.91:1 ratio and 800X450 pixels for videos with 16:9 aspect ratio. For mixed media, the ad size should be 800X800 pixels with a 1:1 ratio.
- X/Twitter Amplify Pre-roll: 1200X1200 pixels, but the minimum video size is 600X600 for an aspect ratio of 1:1.
- X/Twitter Amplify Sponsorships: 1200X1200, but the minimum size for the aspect ratio 1:1 is 600X600. For other aspect ratio, the minimum size is 640X360 pixels.
- X/Twitter Live: 1280X720 pixels, but the maximum resolution is 1920X1080.
- X/Twitter Card Image Specs for Website: 800X418 pixels for an aspect ratio of 1.91:1 and 800X800 pixels for an aspect ratio of 1.91:1.
- X/Twitter Website Card Video Size: 1200X1200 pixels with an aspect ratio 1:1.
Read further to get detailed information about all types of X/Twitter ad dimensions.
This blog explains all X/Twitter ad types and their dimensions, including ad size, tweet copy size, aspect ratio, suitable file type, etc. Moreover, it provides examples and free templates for creating an excellent X/Twitter ad.
Table of Contents
X/Twitter Ad Size Specs for Different Ad Formats
You should use plenty of X/Twitter ad formats, as using three or more ad formats can increase campaign awareness by 20%. However, before creating an ad on X/Twitter, you should inquire in detail about the X/Twitter ad specifications. This will help you decide which ads to post on X/Twitter.
X/Twitter Promoted ads
For any promoted ad on X/Twitter, the tweet may look normal. Yet, you can recognize them, citing the ‘ad’ word at the post’s top right corner. The Promoted ads on X/Twitter are in a variety of formats. Let’s check the specifications for each of them.
1. X/Twitter Text Ads
The X/Twitter ad is like a regular tweet that brands send to inform about updates, offers, sales, etc. Anyone can like, reply to, or retweet these ads, increasing your chances of expanding your reach.
- Tweet specs: 280 characters.
The user should note that each link reduces the tweet copy size by 23 characters.
2. X/Twitter Image Ad Size
Images can help hook your audience and showcase your brand, product, or services. X/Twitter ad image sizes vary for various types of Image ads. Here is a X/Twitter picture specs example.
However, a few X/Twitter ad sizes are standard for all Image ads except the Standalone Image ads. Let’s find out more about these specifications:
- Tweet copy: 280 characters
- Maximum file size: 5 MB
- File type: PNG or JPEG
- Recommended Image size for Standalone Image Ads: 1200X1200 pixels for an aspect ratio of 1:1 and 1200X628 pixels for an aspect ratio of 1.91:1.
- Recommended Image size with Buttons and Polls: There are three types of X/Twitter Image ad buttons – App button, Conversation button and website button.
The standard dimensions for X/Twitter ad image size are- 800X418 for an aspect ratio of 1.91:1 and 800X800 for a 1:1 aspect ratio.
Revamp your X/Twitter ads with DocHipo’s X/Twitter Business ad templates. Check out these templates for your X/Twitter ad with ideal Twitter background specs.

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Specific Dimensions for Various Types of X/Twitter Image Ads with Buttons and Polls
We have already mentioned standard X/Twitter ad specs using buttons and polls. However, there are a few particular specs for Twitter images for each of these categories which you should consider.
- X/Twitter image ads with an app button: The app title should be within 200 characters.
- X/Twitter image ads with a conversation button: You should know the specifications of all three steps for conversation button ads for X/Twitter image ads. The Conversation card ad, the original Tweet in the Timeline, allows hashtags within 21 characters. The user clicks on the card after coming across the Tweet. Another one is the Pre-Populated user Tweet ad that the user gets after clicking on the CTA, accompanied by creative and hashtag buttons. The Tweet copy specs remain the same, with the headline occupying 23 characters. The last one is the Thank You Tweet, which occurs when the user tweets the Tweet. The thank you text and URL should be within 23 characters each.
- Twitter image ads with website buttons: The website title length can be 70 characters, but The recommended size is within 50 characters to avoid truncation on all devices.
- X/Twitter image ads with polls: Polls can include two to four custom options with a poll copy within 25 characters. The duration of these polls varies from 5 minutes to 7 days starting when you create the Tweet.
3. X/Twitter Ad Video Specs
Videos are the most engaging ads on all social media platforms. They are easy to engage and help drive engagement for your website or app.
Let’s explore the standard X/Twitter video ad specs.
- Tweet specs: 280 characters
- Maximum file size: 1 GB. For optimal performance, the recommended file size is below 30 MB.
- File type: MP4 or MOV
- Maximum X/Twitter video size specs: 2 minutes 20 seconds, but the recommended size is up to 15 seconds.
- Thumbnail file type: PNG or JPEG
- Maximum Thumbnail file size: 5 MB
- Recommended Video size for Standalone Video Ads: 1200X1200 pixels for an aspect ratio of 1:1 and 1920X1080 pixels for an aspect ratio of 16:9.
- Recommended Video size with Buttons and Polls: 800X450 for an aspect ratio of 16:9 and 800X800. The X Twitter video aspect ratio is 1:1.
Further, X/Twitter strongly recommends consistent branding if the logo is used in the upper left corner of the post.
Specific Dimensions for Various Types of X/Twitter Video Ads with Buttons and Polls
Let’s see how these vary for these X/Twitter video dimensions.
- Twitter video ads with app button: The app title is not customizable and should not exceed 200 characters.
- X/Twitter video ads with a conversation button: Like X/Twitter Image ads, there are three types of specifications for Tweet copy for each step. For the Conversation Card, the Tweet copy should be within 280 characters, and the hashtag should be 21 characters.
Likewise, the Tweet copy should be 256 characters for a pre-populated user, and the headline should be within 23 characters. For a Thank You Tweet, the thank you text should be within 23 characters, and the URL should be within 23 characters.
- X/Twitter video ads with website buttons: The website title’s length is up to 70 characters, but the recommended size is a maximum of 50 characters.
- Twitter video ads with polls: You can add two to four custom responses with a poll copy. Each copy should be within 25 characters for a maximum of 7 days and a minimum of 5 minutes.
4. X/Twitter Carousel Ads
Tell your story to the users with multiple images or videos within one ad post. You can add up to 6 pictures or videos showcasing a product or service or advance a narrative to increase engagement.
Some standard X/Twitter specifications for carousel ads are:
- Recommended Image size: 800X418 pixels for an aspect ratio of 1.91:1 and 800X800 for a 1:1 aspect ratio.
- Recommended Video size: 800X450 pixels for an aspect ratio of 16:9 and 800X800 for a 1:1 aspect ratio.
- Aspect ratio for mixed media in carousels: The aspect ratio should be consistent when using different media formats. Thus, you should choose a 1:1 aspect ratio for the video for a 1:1 image asset.
Specs Twitter/X Ad Dimensions for Various Types of Carousel Ads
- Website carousel: 70 characters for website title length, but X/Twitter recommends 50.
- App carousel: The app title should be within 200 characters.
5. X/Twitter Moments Ads
The X/Twitter Moment ads help you to tell more than just a tweet through a collection of tweets. It aids in building a narrative with different perspectives. The Tweet copy can be beyond 280 characters for these types of ads.
X/Twitter Follower Ads
As the name suggests, follower ads help build awareness and appeal to new users so that they become followers. These ads promote the X/Twitter account by placing them in the user’s timeline and ‘who to follow boxes.’ Now, let’s explore the X ad specs for Follower Ads.
- Tweet Copy – 280 characters
X/Twitter Ad Size for Amplify Ads
With Amplify ads, you can align your ads with premium video content from the relevant publishers on X/Twitter. Let’s look at these X/Twitter ads size specifications for different Amplify ads:
1. Amplify Pre-roll
Amplify pre-roll lets your viewers see the already trending videos that will kick off just before your videos.
- Maximum file size: 1 GB
- Video length: The recommended size is 15 seconds, but the maximum video length is 2 minutes 20 seconds.
- File type: MP4 or MOV
- Aspect ratio: 1:1
- Recommended video size: 1200X1200 pixels, but the minimum video size is 600X600 for an aspect ratio of 1:1.
The minimum size is 640X360 pixels for another aspect ratio.
2. Amplify Sponsorships
The Amplify Sponsorship ads are exclusive one-to-one packages where you can sponsor an event, moment, or show.
- File size: Maximum 1 GB.
- Video length: 6 seconds or less is the recommended size. However, the maximum length is 2 minutes and 20 seconds.
- File type: MP4 or MOV
- Aspect ratio: 16:9 or 1:1
- Recommended video size: 1200X1200, but the minimum size for the aspect ratio of 1:1 is 600X600. For other aspect ratio, the minimum size is 640X360 pixels.
X/Twitter Live
X/Twitter Live allows brands to broadcast special events or launches in real-time. It helps to create the much-needed buzz around the Live event, starting conversations and driving conversions. Let’s look at some event page specifications:
- Event page copy: maximum 280 characters, including external links.
- Carousel Live ad: maximum five videos/ photos.
- Timeline Tweet: Pulls in Tweet-specific terms such as hashtags, keywords, phrases, and executive names, but X/Twitter allows a maximum of five terms.
- Recommended resolution: 1280X720 pixels, but the maximum resolution is 1920X1080.
X/Twitter Takeover Ad
X/Twitter Takeover ads give the most premium placements, taking over the timeline and Explore the space of X/Twitter. These ads help create awareness and maximize reach across the users as they put your ad at the top of the funnel.
1. Timeline Takeover
The Timeline Takeover allows all the ad formats listed in this blog post. For each ad format, the corresponding specification remains the same.
2. Trend Takeover and Trend Takeover+
There are two types of trend takeover X/twitter ads. You can place the trend takeover X/Twitter ads alongside the most trending post. It will be visible in the ‘What’s happening section’ and at the top of the Explore tab. The specifications for Trend Takeover X/Twitter ads size are as follows:
- Hashtag: maximum 20 characters.
- Description: 70 characters.
The Trend Takeover+ ads also allow immersive images, GIFs, or videos alongside the placement of the most trending posts.
- Hashtag: 16 characters
- Description: 30 characters
- File types: PNG, JPEG, GIF, and MP4
- File size: 5 MB for images, 15 MB for GIF
- Aspect ratio: 16:9
X/Twitter Ad Size for Branded Features
Branded features in X/Twitter ads help a brand express itself and interact with users. This section has two features.
1. Branded Hashtags
This feature allows users to add a fun and creative emoji with their hashtag that automatically appears when they use it.
- Maximum number of branded hashtags allowed: 5
- Emoji design: 72X72 pixels, but must be visible at 16X16 pixels.
2. Branded Notifications
These notifications help connect with consumers, assisting brands in sending automated @mention Tweets at a suitable time. Also, the notifications offer ads in various formats that are available in promoted ads. You can opt for any of the three Branded notifications: scheduled, subscription, or instant notification.
Further Reading
X/Twitter Website Cards
X/Twitter cards are another way to drive traffic to your website. You can add images, media, and videos to your tweets and let your audience interact with the visual content.
There are different types of X/Twitter cards for your audience to engage with suitable size Twitter post:
- Summary Card: includes Title, description, and thumbnail
- Summary Card with Large Image: Summary card with a prominent feature image.
- App Card: A card that directly downloads to a mobile app.
- Player Card: A card displaying video/audio/media.
Tweet copy: 280 characters
URL: must begin with http:// or https://.
Let’s check out the Twitter website card size.
X/Twitter Website Card Dimensions
- Maximum Twitter website card image size for file: 5 MB
- File type: PNG or JPEG
- Recommended Twitter website card image dimensions: 800X418 pixels for an aspect ratio of 1.91:1 and 800X800 pixels for an aspect ratio of 1.91:1.
X/Twitter Website Card Video Size
- Maximum Twitter video specs file size: 1 GB
- File type: MP4 or MOV
- Maximum Twitter video sizes length: 2 minutes 20 seconds, but the recommended size is up to 15 seconds.
- Thumbnail file type: PNG or JPEG
- Maximum Thumbnail file size: 5 MB
- Recommended Video size: 1200X1200 pixels with a Twitter aspect ratio of 1:1.
To learn more about the size of a Twitter header, check out this blog post: The Perfect X/Twitter Header Size with Examples and Best Practices
How to Create an X/Twitter Ad
Creating an X/Twitter ad from scratch can be challenging and time-consuming. Not all of us have the skills to make a captivating design. While you strategize your ad campaigns on X/Twitter, leave the design with DocHipo’s ready-to-use X/Twitter ad templates. Get templates for business, sales, fashion, and food categories. Sign up with DocHipo and create an X/Twitter ad design in three simple steps.
1. Choose Your Template
Once you sign up, you will land on the homepage of DocHipo, where you can search for your ad template.
Now, choose a template that aligns with your niche and purpose.
2. Customize Your Template
After selecting your template, customize the design elements using the extensive design widgets library in the editor. Choose from hundreds of fonts, stickers, icons, stock images, illustrations, etc.
The X/Twitter ad sizes are ever-evolving. Thus, DocHipo’s smart resize feature will help you follow the size guide precisely. Select the page size option, as shown in the image below.
Now, set the custom page size according to the type of X/Twitter ad you wish to upload.
After resizing, adjust the design elements on the page to align with the overall size.
3. Download Your Design
Once you are satisfied with your X/Twitter ad design, click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the screen to download.
Now, select the file format and quality and click on download. Voila! Your X/Twitter ad is ready to upload.
Explore more about DocHipo.
Acing the X/Twitter Ad Size
This X/Twitter ad size guide will be handy for any X/Twitter ad specs. Like all social media platforms, X/Twitter ads rely on catching the user’s attention with eye-catching designs. DocHipo can be your go-to tool to create professional yet beautiful X/Twitter ad designs. Sign up with DocHipo for free and get your hands on hundreds of templates, exclusive features, and design assets.
What is the new Twitter ad format?
X/Twitter has launched pilot tests for three new ad formats-
- Interactive Text Ads
- Product Explorer Ads
- Collection Ads
These ads will only be visible in the US until the experimenting phase, aiming to give users a more creative and immersive experience.
How long a Twitter ad can be?
The maximum video length for X/Twitter ads is 2 minutes and 20 seconds. However, X/Twitter recommends 15 seconds.
How much do Twitter ads cost?
The estimated cost of X/Twitter ads falls between $0.50 to $2.00 per first action. However, the average price for the ad is around $1.35 every time a user engages with the X/Twitter ad.
What is the best size for Twitter ads?
The recommended X/Twitter ads image size for Standalone Image Ads is 1200X1200 pixels for an aspect ratio of 1:1 and 1200X628 pixels for an aspect ratio of 1.91:1.